Re-engineered from the ground up and thoroughly tested to deliver ultimate reliability, the perfected R51 gets you on target faster and more intuitively than any other sub-compact on the market. Add 25% less muzzle flip and a sleek, ergonomic design, and it’s exactly what you need to shoot your best in worse-case scenarios. Chambered for 9mm Luger with a 7 round magazine capacity. The slide has a black FNC finish, and the frame has a black anodize finish. Because the R51 is so unlike any other handgun on the market, it posed unforeseen challenges in manufacturing when it was first introduced in 2014. Since then, our engineers have worked tirelessly to address the issues and exhaustively test the solutions, and we’re proud to say the redesigned R51 surpasses even our initial expectations. With manufacturing tolerances super-tuned to its unique build, the R51 not only functions flawlessly, it sets new performance standards in the sub-compact category. Despite early setbacks, we never wavered in our commitment to bring the R51 to market. America deserves this handgun. You deserve this handgun. And we’re proud to bring it to you. A proud reintroduction of a truly groundbreaking design, the perfected d Remington R51 has been re-engineered from the ground up and thoroughly tested to deliver utmost reliability, and the highest level of shootability of any subcompact handgun on the market today. Because it has the lowest bore axis in its class, its intuitive accuracy is unrivaled. The low bore axis also reduces muzzle rise by 25% for faster recovery between shots. Its Pederson block design and optimized grip angle work together to dramatically diminish felt recoil. With a 3.4 inches barrel and smooth, rounded edges, it conceals easily and deploys like lightning. And it all comes with a confidence-boosting 7+1 rounds of 9mm Luger. Updated features include a precision-built fast-reset polymer trigger, a more aggressive and durable extractor design, enhanced recoil spring and a host of other features that make it the model of dependability.
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James S
2 years agoWhen I bought this didn't know it had plastic wobbly trigger. Maybe rating will go up after I get a to fire it. Like how compact it is and rounded.
2 years agoAbsolute trash. First time shooting the gun there was issues. Slide wasn't catching the bullets. The gun jammed every 3 to four shots. Misfired multiple times. Tried several different types/brands of rounds without any difference.
Dave P
2 years agoIf the mags are loaded with 7 rounds (even 6 sometimes) there is too much pressure on the gas block to load the chamber. Remington sent new mags (at no cost) that will Susposedly fix the problem. If you only load 5 in the mag, the pistol runs flawlessly.
Richard H
2 years agoSingle action auto loader type guns, i feel , are not safe to carry with one in the pipe, no matter what.
Tom C
2 years agoI've only shot about 50 or so rounds with it. So far no mechanical issues and seems accurate. My only complaint is it beats the he'll out of my thumb joint . Would be a good gun for self defense but not for the practice range.
Daniel A
2 years agoI purchased this pistol a couple of years ago, and it’s been a love/hate relationship since then. Loved the look and feel, and the accuracy. Hated that I couldn’t run a complete mag without a failure of some kind, usually FTE. Finally, after 2 years of struggling with this gun I found ammo that it likes, and now I can run mag after mag without failure. The ammo? Geco 115gn FMJ.
Patrick K
2 years agoI liked the compactness, although the weight could be a bit lighter. I also like the ease of carrying it concealed, and the ease of maintaining control when firing multiple round at a target.
Phil B
2 years agoI will start with 4-stars because I have not had a chance to fire the gun yet. I did however take the advise of a gun smith and took the gun apart and cleaned, oiled and reassembled it. Prior to that the rounds did not cycle through properly, after cleaning and oiling the rounds fed through well by hand. Again, I have not shot the gun yet so we will see. I do like that it is a single stack and conceals well.
Erik W
2 years agoI like it...for the unique action design, the overall size and the shootability. Very comfortable to shoot even after 130+ rounds in one session. I did have 2 or 3 failures to feed the second round when I topped up to 7+1 after chambering - maybe a mag tweak will help that but loading the full 7 and chambering without topping off was 100%. 3 different brands and bullet weights all ran equally well but 124g were significantly more accurate. Plastic trigger is my only real disappointment, it works just fine but it feels cheap.
Merlin W
2 years agoFun, but some issues. Small capacity. Not crazy about plastic, wobbly trigger. It works fine but just feels odd. Goes bang every time I pull it, though. Good value.
Kevin S
1 year agoI wanted this gun badly when it was first released, but held off due to the problems Remington had and avoided the recall. Glad I waiting, this pistol is a steel at the current price and mine functions flawlessly. Not a single hick up in the first 200 rounds of mixed FMJ and JHP ammunition. The low bore and recoil impulse make this a joy to shoot even with +p JHP. I love this pistol.
Ray V
1 year agoThe R51 I received failed on initial disassembly. The Kennewick, WA store returned it to the factory, but I've not received any response since.
Paul H
1 year agoSo far gun has not missed a beat, (300 rounds). A little different to take down and clean, not really a problem, if you have got to have simple stick with something else, but you'll be missing a nice shooting, compact, all metal pistol. It's action has gotten considerable smoother in 300 rounds and accuracy is great.
Douglas S
1 year agoThe only problem with the second generation is with the magazines. They were contracted out by Remington and some of the mag springs were too strong. My only problem is keeping cartridges in the magazine once that was discovered and corrected. It is really fun to shoot. Field stripping is a chore however. After about five times it gets much easier.
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