The Bounty Hunter is a traditional 6 shot single action revolver with traditional resting notch, but it also has a transfer bar and recessed chambers for shooting safety. There are a lot of single action revolvers out there but none better than The Bounty Hunter from EAA Corp.
$589.99 | Visit Store Website | |||
$532.99 | Visit Store Website | |||
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1 year agoShoots good. Screws were a little loose out of the box (grip screws, frame, tube, etc.) but everything was there. Great cheap toy to add to the collection and scratch that Peacemaker itch. The included bore brush was way to small, looked like a .357 to me, throw it in the pile and grab your bore snake. I would recommend if you are already a gun guy with basic tools and supplies on hand.
George N.
1 year agoI purchased this revolver for a tribute to an old nickel Ruger 357 my dad had back in the early 80's. All I can say is, this turned out to be an amazing piece of art that fulfills all that I wanted to achieve. The finish is absolutely perfect. It's nicer than anything I've seen in years. And just before I put it in the display I bought it for, I r...Read More Read more about review stating Nickel EAA Bounty Hunter
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