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Federal WF143BB SPDSHk 12 11/8 STL 25 Rounds Per Box

Caliber: 12 Gauge
Capacity: 25
Rounds: 25

Brand: Federal
Model: Speed-Shok
Gauge: 12 Gauge
Shot Material: Steel
Shot Size: BB
Muzzle Velocity: 1550 fps
Game Type: Waterfowl
Length: 3″
Ounces: 1 1 / 8 oz
QTY: 25 Shotshells

Federal’s Speed-Shok delivers a clean kill. Its high-performance primer and fast-burning powder dramatically reduce residue, while its optimized velocities knock birds out of the sky.


2 years ago

Excellent patterns in my Beretta Extrema II. The only negative is that it leaves a lot of residue in the barrel. So just clean the gun after each hunt.


2 years ago

Get a good steel choke combo'd with these rounds and you'll get great results. Shoots great and hits hard. Dropped multiple bunnies at 40 yards right where they stood.


2 years ago

I typically go through 3 cases plus during duck season this is an inexpensive round with good speed and clean burning

Goose Hunter

2 years ago

I used these shells all last season and will be using them again this season. I used the 3 1/2 Ts for geese and they would knock down the real high flyers with them being dead on impact. Can't say enough about them, especially after using other brands that under performed in the past. You won't be disappointed.


2 years ago

Iv'e shot Federal Steel shells for as long as I can remember. Iv'e shot other top brands as well and keep going back to Federal. Iv'e never seen the point in spending a crazy amount of money on shells when Federal Speed Shok will do everything you need it to. I shoot a lot of #2s and have never has an issue. with 1550fps at 1 1/8oz its hard to beat Federal


2 years ago

In my rifles, I use federal trophy copper. In my shotguns, I shoot Federal speed shock. Federal ammunition is just a brand that I trust and will keep trusting until they disappoint me. It has yet to happen. I patterned my SXP black shadow last summer and Federal just happens to be what it likes most. 3 and 3.5 BB shells with my patternmaster knocks down the huge winter geese, and a modified choke with 3 inch BB's for pass shooting ducks in early season leaves none wounded. When rabbit hunting, I go for #4 shot. Cabela's has them at a very decent price compared to other places, so I just stock up at the beginning of the season. I've seen out of stock for many brands (blindside and black cloud comes quickly to mind) but I've never had a problem, and I still get better performance.


2 years ago

I use these shells while hunting over decoys. They work great and the cost is unbeatable. Have dropped tons of ducks n geese weather its on the river in a field or on the ocean sea ducking.


2 years ago

At last minute before heading to Eastern Maryland for geese and ducks I realized I had no 16ga waterfowl shells. BassProShops was able to get me what I needed in good time - and the Federal shotshells performed great (better than the shooters).


2 years ago

These patterned ok for me, but they were quite a bit dirtier than others out of my Versa Max. I would buy them again however.


2 years ago

I had some left over and they out did every shell i had including some really expensive loads. I will use these this fall.


2 years ago

Not a single thing wrong with these shells. Particularly when you consider the price. I have not had a problem with them, ever. Best value on the shelf in my humble opinion.

Mallard Machine

2 years ago

These are great shells and easy on the wallet. I am not a big believer in the premium shotgun shell gimmicks. These will get the job done.


2 years ago

I have been experimenting with many different brands and shot for my Beneli Nova. 12 gauge Federal 31/2" T shot 13/8, with my pattern Master long Range choke tube I have good success even passed 45 yards. The only thing I don't like is the feathers get pulled into the meat. Federal never jams in my gun. I will eperiment with BB next.


2 years ago

Obviously your mileage may vary but these have an excellent pattern in my shotgun. I have had no issues with these shells and have harvested numerous types of waterfowl with them.


2 years ago

I've fired a few water fowl loads in my Winchester 1200 and It seemed to function and fire just fine no problems . I have to say Federal mfg's some good quality shotgun ammo you can't go wrong with it .


2 years ago

I test fired some water fowl loads in my Winchester 1200 and seemed to fire and function just fine no complaints you can't ever go wrong with Federal shotgun ammunition it goes boom as it supposed to .


2 years ago

Great for early season ducks. Widgeon gadwall and local mallards. Northerns need a little heavier load.


2 years ago

I’ve shot about 2 boxes of these shells and they performed well. Ordered them and they arrived promptly.


1 year ago

We legally have to shoot steel in CA. I hunted doves on September 1 over a pond in 110 f weather so birds were erratic and these loads performed beautifully. I used 'modified' choke on my older Beretta Silver Snipe over and under. Very consistant, birds were hit hard and cleanly, very satisified. IF YOU WONDER ABOUT LEAD VERSUS STEEL, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU VISIT THE STUDY DONE BY TEXAS A&M REGARDING THE LETHALITY OF STEEL #7 VERSUS LEAD #8. BY FAR THE MOST DEFINITIVE STUDY ON THE SUBJECT, PERFORMED OVER A TWO-YEAR PERIOD.

Jeff R76

1 year ago

Federal Premium, I feel, is a very good quality shell, reliable & dependable. And the volume they sell each year is A LOT! So, I think that there are a lot of Americans with a similar opinion as mine.

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