When you choose to carry concealed, you need a pistol that’s going to seamlessly blend into your daily routine without unnecessary size, weight or inconvenience. Springfield’s newest pistol for 2019, the 911 9mm brings you all of the ease and intuitive features that your EDC should have. Unobtrusive, accurate and reliable, and now available in 9mm as a discreet carry and formidable defensive tool.
The 911 platform provides superior handling characteristics that are unique among small pistols in its category. The 911 9mm gives the shooter the convenience of a small frame but with the familiar feel of a 1911.
Tim C
1 year agoI do believe this is one of the finest pocket pistols on the market in 9mm. The weapon has wonderful night sights which allow instant access to the target and consistent shot placement. The weapon coupled with a Sneaky Pete holster makes summer concealed carry undetectable with easy access to the weapon in an emergency. I don't think you can go wrong with Springfield's 911 in either the 380 ACP or the ever popular 9mm.
Eric T.
1 year agoI was skeptical of such a small gun but wanted a pocket carry. This gun (with 7rd magazine) fits well in my hands. The recoil is very good, smooth trigger, sites are great (not on the Alpha model) and to me, gives a big gun feel in a small package. Field stripping is not a picnic but also not horrible. Not a fan of the flush fitting 6rd mag. due to my hand size.
John G.
1 year agoPistol is well built. With the exception of the plastic trigger it appears to be a clone of the Sig P938. Even the magazines swap. Good grips perfect size.
Rick T.
1 year agoBought this gun and took it to my home range(my backyard) did some target shooting. For this guns size it had a pretty nice grouping. Recoil not bad. This is the perfect cw to carry for comfort and protection.
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